Suwarno Hadisusanto* dan Puguh Sujarta**
*Laboratorium Ekologi, Fakultas Biologi UGM
**Jurusan Biologi FMIPA UNCEN
Red-tide is natural fenomenon and can be raised at marine and fresh-waters. This fenomenon was visualized by color changes from dark-blue to become redess, browness, yellowish and milkess. The objectives to find red-tide potentially at Tablasupa west coast, Jayapura, Papua. The sample was collected on August 8-10st, 2007, at two locations and four replicated. The results there were 18 genera and two red-tide potential genera was Ceratium dan Chaetoceros. There will no red-tide in Tablasupa because low abundance of phytoplankton.
Keywords: potency, red-tide, waters, Tablasupa